Supporting Charters

Empowering charter schools with best-in-class tools and services. Supporting students and their families through data systems that enable excellence.

Preparing your school for the future

Charter schools are born out a mission to best serve students and communities. When leaders have a strong command of their data they can build strong schools that propel students and teachers towards success.

What would it mean for your school to have MASTERY of its data?

Student Mastery has become a buzzword in education, and for good reason.  We want our students to not only have been exposed to their lessons, we want to instill in them mastery of the complex concepts and skills they will need to achieve success in their lives. 
What would it mean for your school to not just have access to information about students, families, and curricula, but to have mastery of the data associated with student success?

United InfoLytics specializes in collecting, connecting, and helping school leaders master and make use of their data.  We help schools maximize their staff’s potential, reduce busy work, and target the changes that have the greatest impact on students’ lifelong success.

Student Information Systems

Simplify Applications and Registration

We consult to help schools streamline application, registration, and enrollment processes. Working with your existing platform, or helping you implement a new one with custom dashboards for enrollment progress.

Maximize Attendance, Minimize Referrals

Create custom applications that track trends in student achievement, attendance patterns, and referrals so that your teams can make confident decisions to support student growth and minimize distraction.

Manage Family Communications

Choose effective methods to connect with your school's families. From SMS messaging to newsletters and event signups, we help schools pick the right platform and integrate it seamlessly.

Operational Support

Dashboards for Leadership

Access all of the information you need in one place. Make better decisions based on better information, customized to your unique needs.

Outsourcing & Tech Integration

Connect your technology platforms to reduce errors and double entry. Connect your SIS with third-party apps. Outsource functions you don't want to manage in house.

Sharing Results

We love to help charter schools and networks tell their stories backed up by visualizations of their results. Celebrate the victories of your students and teachers.

For Tennessee Charters: TISA Fidelity

We employ multiple layers of matching criteria and data review tools to guarantee that your SIS accurately reports every student who qualifies for funding under TISA. Our TISA dashboards power confident budget forecasting.

ADA and ADM Matching

We ensure that your attendance and membership numbers are 100% matched with the EIS system. We manage your attendance and membership process so that funding is accurate and predictable.

Nonprofit organizations benefit when they have access to the same data approach and tools as fortune 500 companies.  That is what we provide through deep analytics and investment in fully understanding your goals for society.  We assist in aligning goals with practice through goal setting, logic models, and data strategy.  We are experienced in collecting data through internal apps, stakeholder surveys and activating that data through dashboards and visualizations.  Make better decisions through the power of data and analytics, and view our approach to supporing non-profits here.

Nonprofit Solutions

Lets Talk:

If you want to start a conversation about your current data strategy, goals, and challenges, you can schedule a 30-minute meeting to talk more by clicking below. See it as a chance to talk over your dreams, get some initial impressions and begin to clarify your big-picture data, technology, and operations strategy with an experienced practitioner. Sometimes this 30 minutes is all you’ll need to jumpstart your data goals—other times you may want to schedule a follow-up to talk about ways United InfoLytics consulting services can help.